Trust in the dark,

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.” 
ROMANS 8:28–29 

How do the messy, painful parts of life fit with this promise? 

The verse above has been my go-to when I need reassurance. If you’re like me, it’s easy to believe this promise when things are going great. But how do we claim this promise when things in life are messy and painful? 

At times I have prayed these words back to God, really asking, “Do you know what is going on? Do you really know what You’re doing?”  The answer to both questions is “YES, He does!” The secret is in the words, “His plans.” Sometimes His plans are found in the painful, scary, and messy parts of our lives. 

A few years ago, a friend asked me two questions that helped me understand how God uses the painful messy parts of our lives to fulfill His plans for us. 

Question 1 - If you could change anything about your life, what would you change?

When my friend asked this question, I quickly fired off a list of things I would change. My dad would not have been an abusive alcoholic. My husband of 40 years would not suffer from anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. We would not have to live with our kids on a small, fixed income. 

So many more things came to mind, but she stopped me and ask the next question.

Question 2 - What do you love about your life right now?

As I started formulating the list of things I loved in my life right now in my mind, I knew I was in trouble. I was going to have to change my answer to the first question. Everything I loved in my life right now, was there because of the messy, painful parts of my life. I couldn’t change the messy painful things about my life, without losing the things I loved. 


“To trust God in the light is nothing but trust Him in the dark…that is faith!”

Charles H. Spurgeon

The Truth!

I’m right where God planned for me to be and the messy, painful parts of my life got me here. God is fulfilling “His” plans for my life and I’m willing to trust Him, even when it gets painful and messy. I trust Him because He is faithful, and I wouldn’t change one thing. Why? Because I am the person I am today, because of those messy painful parts of my life and I really like who I’ve become. 


Tips to finding God’s blessings when life is full of pressure.


How to live with memories, both painful and happy ones.