Tips to finding God’s blessings when life is full of pressure.

Living life with no regrets

I love to sit with God, a cup of my favorite coffee in hand and tell Him about all the pressures in my life. I imagine Him smiling at me, as if He is hearing about the chaos for the first time. Telling Him is so important. Not so He will know, He knew before I opened my mouth. When I tell Him, my focus switches from me trying to fix things, to watching Him work them out. This is important so I can see how He provides. 

 As I sit here this morning remembering the pressure of the past two weeks ago, I am thankful to see how God has provided. Even as the circumstances start to resolve, I find myself tired and worn out.

Even when we trust and wait in faith, the pressure takes its toll.

Several years ago, I was packing for a retreat, and as I packed, I was trying to talk myself into, not going. I had a million great reasons why I shouldn’t go. But, I had made a commitment to attend with my daughter and paid my money, so I continued packing. 

In our household, we have a saying,

 “Don’t bolt before
the blessing.”



 I am so glad that I didn’t cancel my weekend, I would have missed watching God provide and so many blessings.

Blessing #1 

The first blessing came on Friday morning as I pulled into Sonora and got a text from the woman leading my group for the retreat. The text informed us that the weather had changed and they were now expecting snow and rain over the weekend. She told us she was glad she caught us before we had left and to pack for the change in weather. I had already left and was almost to the retreat center. At that moment I wanted to bolt, again. I hate snow, rain and mud AND, I was soon to experience them all. I wanted to go home. 

Are you wondering where the blessing is in this? Well, I had made plans to meet a friend in Sonora on my way to the retreat. I had not seen my friend for five years and I was going to stop by her home on my way. We were going to have a long visit with a cup of tea by the fireplace. 

As I walked into her house and hugged her, I decided the trip was already worth the effort and, glad I had not bolted before this blessing. As we chatted, I told her I needed to go shopping. I don’t like snow and rain and mud...and shopping, and, she laughed because she knows how much I dislike shopping. 

I explained that I needed shoes for snow, rain and mud. She got up from her chair and walked into her bedroom and brought back a shoebox. In the box was an adorable pair of waterproof Ugg boots. She said they were her favorite snow, rain and mud shoes. She handed them to me and told me wear them over the weekend. As I tried them on, they felt like a warm hug on my already cold feet. 

I told her I was worried that they would get ruined, but she insisted they would survive anything I put them through that weekend. She teased me, saying, “I know your aversion to snow, rain and mud. I’m sure you will avoid the big puddles.” I told her I would bring them back on Sunday afternoon. She said, “Take them home. It will give me an excuse to come to visit you.” 

The boots kept my feet warm and dry all weekend. Every time I put the boots on or took them off I smiled as I thought about my friend, her boots were a blessing of love and care. 

Count your many blessings…

name them one by one.

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”

Willie Nelson 

Blessing #2

The next blessing came at lunchtime. My daughter was coming to the retreat for the first time and I was meeting her in Sonora for lunch. After lunch, we would follow each other to the retreat center. As I was walked into the restaurant, I saw her give me a big warm smile. We were going to have two days together and she was excited to be with me. As we shared a hamburger and fries, I realized how blessed I was that my daughter and I love each other so much, and share so much in common as adults. I am so proud of her and the woman she has become.

More Blessings

The blessings kept coming. As we arrived at the retreat center and walked in to register. Two women screamed my name and came rushing over to hug me. We had not seen each other since I had attended this retreat six years before, and now I was looking forward to catching up.

Over the weekend I experienced; 

    • crafting with my daughter (she made my craft) 

    • zip lining

    • wonderful food

    • terrific speaker 

    • inspiring worship

I needed the time away, the rest, fun and I went home refreshed.

As I look back on my attitude leading up to the retreat, I am reminded how glad I am that I didn’t talk myself out of going. All I wanted to do before the retreat was climb back into bed with the covers over my head. I tried to tell myself, “I need to stay home and rest.” Instead, I packed my clothes and sleeping bag, made the drive to the mountains and was blessed all weekend long.

Following God’s Plan

When your journey leads you to the point of exhaustion and you want to isolate, talk to God. I promise He will be there listening. I love what Jeremiah says.

 “You will seek me and find me when you seek with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13

I looked for God in the mountains, in the snow, rain and mud and I found Him.

Next time you have the chance to retreat and feel like not going, ask yourself this question,

“Am I bolting before the blessing?”

I hope you then decide to go, you might just discover, like I did,
sometimes retreating is necessary. 
